Laird Grass Machinery Ltd
Ballycarry, Carrickfergus
Call us: 02893 38 29 82

Sisis Multislit Aerator

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The SISIS Multislit is a tractor mounted deep slitting lawn aerator for sports field maintenance, fine turf and amenities, offering deep, clean penetration with minimal surface disturbance. Suitable for maintenance of football, soccer rugby and cricket pitches and golf courses, it can also be used for lawns and gardens.

Aeration is a key process to improve drainage, reduce turf compacting, thatch build up and boost the health of lawns and the Multislit is an ideal tool for outstanding turf and lawn treatment.

The Multislit produces excellent underground cultivation due to the angle of the tines and spiral design of tine shaft assist penetration and its simple design requires little maintenance.

SKU: FS01233 Category: Tag:



Code: FS1233 FS1234
Working width: 1200mm (1.2m 48″) 1500mm (1.5m 60″)
Working depth: 6″ or 8″ 6″ or 8″
Tractor power requirements:- 15-25hp 15-25hp
Includes: Set of 152mm sharpened fine turf tines + weight tray Set of 152mm sharpened fine turf tines + weight tray

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